Monday, March 22, 2010

It's been a few days since we've blogged. We continue to wait for April 1 to see what the future holds for us. In the meantime we are sticking pretty close to home to avoid infection, eating well, walking each day, getting back to work and continuing to enjoy time with each other.

Bill had several Dr. appointments last week (dermatologist, pulmonologist). The pulmonologist released him with the understanding that the pulmonary edema he suffered was likely related to the extremely low blood platelet count (a symptom of the cancer.) The dermatologist felt that Bill's symptoms were/are related to the cancer but will do another biopsy this week. He will go in for his weekly blood test tomorrow so we'll know later in the week what his blood counts look like.

We've had several wonderful meals during this past week. (We've been told that at least one person reads this blog just to salivate over the menus!) Last Thursday we had stuffed peppers, a Morrocan stew and homemade foccacia bread. Tonight we had the most wonderful chicken enchiladas we've ever had along with a Mexican flavored coleslaw. (Somebody told Linda, our caterer, that Bill loved coleslaw - thanks for doing that!)

Saturday we had the best day. Marcia's two nephews, Ben and Stan Ross came to visit. Ben runs the family printing business in Spokane and Stan is the dinner chef at the Metropolitan Grill in Seattle. The boys (OK, they're successful young men) were so thoughtful to take their weekend time to spend with us. Stan just returned from a trip to Egypt and brought us the most thoughtful gift - framed pictures of the symbols for love and strength. Couldn't have been more perfect for the challenges we face!

This coming weekend we are looking forward to the arrival of Bill's daughter, Kristie Williams, from Boise. We're looking forward to seeing her!

We're hanging in there!

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